
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Course Project: School Visit and Observation

Due: September 29, 2014
OUTPUT: Video through GOOGLE DRIVE. Run time is minimum of 15, maximum of 30 mins.


         Suppose you have a TV Program and you are to visit a school. You are free to choose what type of program it will be (e.g. a documentary, talk show, movie clip). Express your creativity through visual and audio effects while keeping in mind that your program should enlighten us with the following points of discussion given below. Provide a well-deliberated introduction that can easily catch the attention of the audience but maintain the energy you started until the end. The audio should be clear. If not possible, provide a subtitle feature.  

         It should be expected that some administrators/ teachers will not entertain the idea of having them videotaped, thus, you should bring a pen and a notepad for the accuracy of information and credibility of your TV Program.

        At the end of your show, please allow each member to express their realization and insights. (e.g. what can you say about teaching as a profession, school as an institution, and yourself as a possible future practitioner in the field and so on…)

NOTE: Below is a guide to show what areas of teacher and/ or school activities should be considered. Never present this to school administrators/teachers as a questionnaire for them to answer. This is for you. You are only allowed to present this if they required you but never utilize this to meet the previously mentioned purpose.

PART 1:  School's History, Philosophy and VMO
1.    Identify the school. Provide a short description and its brief history.
2.  Visit the school and look into their philosophy, vision, mission and objectives. How are these related to the School's Philosophy?
3.    Explain how the school, in all facets of their activities, show congruence among its VMO.
PART 2: School's Compliance with the Law

4.  In reference with the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article XIV, Sec. 3 (2), what should all educational institutions instill or impart to the learners? Find out what subject/s are being offered in the school to carry out specifically the items you listed in.


5.    Examine and discuss how the existing organizational set-up affects both learners and teachers performance.

6.    Teachers are mandated to offer quality education to all citizens of the Philippines. Interview an elementary or secondary school teacher in a particular school.

Name of Teacher/Administrator :
School Address:
            1. How does he/she uphold the educational provisions of the Philippine Constitution based on:
a.   providing/ improving quality education
b.   applying the Child Protection Law           

7.    Find out how the school responds to and/or maintains to ensure that all or some of the following mandates as provided for in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers (RA 7836- The Philippine Teachers’ Professionalization Act of 1994)

A.  The Teacher and the State
1. Is physically (mentally and socially) fit

2.Actualizes full commitment and devotion to duty

3. Involves actively in matters affecting the welfare of the people

4. Maintains harmonious and pleasant personal and official relations with other people

5. Enjoys academic freedom

B.  The Teacher and the Community
6. Renders the best service

7. Behaves with honor and dignity at all times

8. Studies and understands local customs and traditions

9. Informs the people of the community about the school’s work and accomplishments

10. Provides community leadership when needed

C.  The Teacher and the Profession
11. Insures that teaching is the noblest profession

12. Upholds the highest possible standard of quality education

13.Participates in the continuing professional education

14.Pursues such other studies

PART 3: Class Observation
8.    Observe a class.
a.   What behaviors do(es) the teacher(s) has/have manifested to indicate that the nature and characteristics of learners are considered.
b.    Record the different assessment/evaluation tools that may have been utilized by the teacher in class, as classified in this table.

Assessment/ Evaluation Tool
(Check the opposite of the assessment tool used)
Sample question Items

Objective Test
1. Matching type
2. Short answer questions
3. Completion items
4. Identification
5. Fill in the blanks

Non – Tests
1. Oral questions
2. Post lecture activity

                                         FIND MEANING IN EVERY HARD WORK.


Adapted from Prof. Ed. Activity Sheets PNU A.Y. 2007-10 

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